The Hacking scandal dominating the news shows no signs of going away. The News of the World having pointed a finger to wrong doing for almost two centuries failed to survive judgement when that same finger pointed inwards.
Hackgate is getting messier by the day and the headliners will be sitting in front of the Select Committee on Tuesday 19th July. Will we see a confession or pleading the fifth?
Taking a step back, we need to ask what's the closure on this matter? The resignation of the most senior cop in the country is a major development but the appetite for blood continues.
The Prime Minister leading a business delegate to South Africa today was asked three questions whilst sharing the podium with President Jacob Zuma, one from the BBC, one from ITN, both about the resignation of Sir Paul Top Cop, and a third from African Media on developments in Libya. The PM looked relived at getting the relatively easy Libya one.
Will David Cameron survive this? Yes. Will the Murdoch Empire survive this? Hard to call. Will Ed Milliband who's personal rating has soared during this affair cash in and start polishing the yellow brick road to Number Ten. Now there's a million dollar question?
The Select Committee for Culture, Media and Sport may open with the theme tune to Steptoe and Son as the Murdoch's take their seats but I suspect the closing tune will be The Sound of Silence.
The Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee in Parliament at 2.30pm on Tuesday 19 July, BBC News Channel.
Image copyright held by Jas Sansi P H O T O G R A P H Y
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